207-688-8195 Professional Logging Contractors of the Northeast

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It is always difficult to try and speculate what might happen between the time that this editorial is written and then goes to print 30 to 45 days later, and this is one of those particularly difficult times when the elections have been held and yet as of this writing we do not know the outcome.

Regardless, we will have to work with whatever President and administration that is elected, and our issues will not go away simply because one political party defeated the other in the Presidential race.  Let’s just hope that whomever is elected will listen to the will of the people and place their values and needs over that of any party.

As you read this, the staff of the American Loggers Council has already made plans to visit DC in mid-December to get an idea of what the transition might look like from one administration to the next, and to see if there is a better opportunity to work across the aisle in completing legislation in the 215th Congress set to begin work in January.

Just because the American Loggers Council is working for you, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be involved in what’s happening.  Regardless of the results in the November election, we need all hands on deck with loggers engaged at the grassroots level to get the policy changes we need and ensure our industry is prosperous for the future.

We have many issues to deal with for the industry, including truck weight reform on the Federal Interstate Highway System, attracting and retaining employees to the logging and log trucking industry, working to develop and support markets for the products and services we provide, and ensuring that our Federal Timber lands are sustainably managed to support a viable timber sale program that would help the many timber dependent communities across the Nation.

While these are some of the issues, we know that there will be many more to contend with in the future as we strive to tell our story to the public where they will have a better understanding of what we do and why we do it.  Here at the American Loggers Council, we will do our best to keep the public informed of your professionalism in harvesting timber and dedication to protecting the environment as you continue to provide the fiber that is consumed on a daily basis by those that do not know its true source or the people that work tirelessly to provide it.

Many of you will be able to be with family and friends this Christmas, and it is justifiably right that you, as a member of this invisible industry, come out of the woods and take the opportunity to enjoy the companionship and fellowship of those that appreciate what you do and keep you going.

God bless, and have a Safe and Merry Christmas!

Log safe!

Danny Dructor is the Executive Vice President for the American Loggers Council with offices near Hemphill, Texas. The American Loggers Council is a 501 (c)(6) not for profit trade organization representing professional timber harvesters in 32 states across the United States.  If you would like to learn more about the ALC, please visit their web site at www.amloggers.com, or contact their office at 409-625-0206.