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We will be covering the Independent / Unenrolled candidates for Governor in greater detail after Tuesday’s Primary election, but there are three candidates who have qualified to be on November’s ballot.  Here are the Independents in the 2010 Governor’s Race:

Eliot CutlerElliot Cutler -former Democrat.   Cutler to date has raised $585K from all sources, spent about $534K.  He’s got his own money he can contribute to further the campaign if need be.

Campaign website: www.cutler2010.com

Shawn MoodyShawn Moody – Moody has put $500,000 into his campaign as a loan and has already done a media buy.  He also qualified with little fanfare but his willingness to contribute to his own campaign to start things off means he’s willing to do what it takes.

Campaign website: www.moodygov.com

Kevin Scott

Kevin Scott -Scott has raised about $3.3K to date, but although he does not have the individual wealth of the other independents – he did manage to gather the required 4000 plus signatures with hard work and perseverance and has shown a willingness to work hard.

Campaign website: www.mainesbestchoice.com